3 Years – anniversary thoughts

I’m Susanne, a compulsive overeater. I’m abstinent today as I weigh my meals off the CGS after I have written them down and committed them to my sponsor, and then I eat those meals and nothing else – no matter what. I make that my #1 priority today. I celebrated 3 years’ abstinence on Thursday.…More

There’s nothing I want more than abstinence

I’ve been thinking lately, about abstinence. My memory of active eating is fading into the distance… the pain of it has left, abstinence has given me a life and a body I can live with. I have problems, though: my weight has gone up yet again. I am now almost 15 lbs. from goal. after…More

Sugar coma & weigh day

Interesting topic for the week, the sugar coma. It’s been years now since I have experienced it but I hardly want to try it again. I remember, shortly after my first “stint” at abstinence in New York – at that time I was desperately dieting and bingeing and trying to keep up appearances – a…More

Topic: Weigh Day

Weigh day this month came and went – and for the first time ever, I was at exactly the same weight (down to the 0.10 lbs) as the previous month. Not that that’s significant… just new. Anyway, ever since I first got abstinent my weight has been a source of continued frustration. It felt like…More

Connecting / soy woes

I seem to have quite a need to connect with you here lately… which might have to do with the fact that my boss is out and work is going s-l-o-w.  So, here I am again – still a compulsive overeater but abstinent today as I weigh my 3 meals off the CGS, write them…More


I  must say I’m not doing so well with the exercise.  I really need to get better with that.  I go to the gym every morning, still, but I don’t necessarily work out – I go to the sauna instead often.  This morning I did do my 10 minutes of cardio.  I’ve done Callanetics once…More


I’m relating this week’s reading very directly to my experience of Greysheet because I have weighed in this month with an increase, which has been going on since August and I have gained almost 8 lbs. in total since then.  This is a worrying tendency (and my sponsor has adjusted my food this month). But,…More

Biggest & Best & Letting go

This month I weighed in 2.2 lbs. up.  This has been a continuing trend, I have been putting on weight since August, having put on a total of 5.5 lbs. in that time.  This month, my sponsor took action and adjusted my food. It’s tough – I am having to cut down, yet I am…More

My despised body

As I’ve been reading the jubilant shares of those who weighed in with a loss this month (congratuations!) I was once again feeling let down by this body of mine. This is an old attitude that I am slowly and consciously working on changing. My body holds on to weight like a bulldog (which is…More

Counting days & diagnosis

Still counting days, feels like they’ll never add up. But I know they will. Day 19, I’m at work, needing to reach out. I’ve been using lots of gum and soda, but for now that’s OK – whatever it takes to be abstinent. What I haven’t done, really, is connected with greynet again. So I’m…More