WG Topic: Spring!

Today has gloriously felt like Spring in every way. The UK are vaccinating at a good rate, and we are coming out of our shells a bit – only a little at a time, but it is a hope filled, blossoming time. Little by slowly. Last Sunday was Mothering Sunday and we saw my in-laws…More

WG Topic: Vigorous & Positive Attitude

We are planning to get some chickens for our garden sometime this year, IF we get around to doing all the other stuff we’re planning to do… we have been in this house for over 4 years now but we are not finished sorting it out, let alone start thinking about extra projects like chickens.…More

WG Topic: Expectations

I’ve been thinking all day about expectations. I do think I’m not terrible at expectations, I’m rarely disappointed because I don’t tend to make up my mind about what I expect from others beforehand. Normally. I’ve always been that way. But perhaps it does come into play when I take people at their word. And…More

Writing Group Topic: Resistance

Resistance is a very perplexing thing to me. I too have this stupid resistance to normal everyday things like brushing teeth. There were years when I rarely did it, and my teeth are terrible as a result. I always blamed my father for this, because in my growing up years he spent HOURS every.single.day sitting in…More

Writing Group: Communication

That quote from your friend was really interesting, and I applied it to me with my children. They are 6 and 4, and both very articulate, but sometimes it is the content of their communication that I can be tempted to… well, either to rush, or to tune out, or to ignore… I mean, the…More

Writing Group Topic: Coincidences / God-Incidences

I celebrated four abstinent months yesterday. This programme is a miracle, no two ways about it. And the God-incidence that brought me back – a dream in which I was abstinent, after a good decade of never once thinking about Greysheet and feeling like I had simply no option at all except to either starve…More

WG Topic: Acceptance Is The Answer

Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober. That line is the one that really stuck out to me.  First of all, thank you everyone for having me in this group. I remember it well, even though it’s been 10 years since I left Greysheet – but, even though I hadn’t logged into it…More

Writing Group Topic: Asking Questions

Thanks so much for the lovely birthday wishes last week. I had the greatest time, in Denmark, where people kept surprising me throughout the day – I never even suspected some of the things they did, and got surprised every time! It was such fun. Today I’m not feeling so good… there’s definitely a cold…More

Writing Group Topic: Reframing

I like the idea of reframing my thoughts. As one person mentioned, Paul’s suggestions are simply a redirection of thinking optimistically vs. pessimistically. I have a coworker who struggles with clinical depression and her pessimistic thinking is incredibly obvious – but there are many other people, less extreme, whose negativity I notice and I have…More

Writing Group Topic: Communication Formulas

I think it’s been taught pretty much everywhere that communication is addressed that you should always use “Me” messages – making communication about the way *I* feel about something, rather than becoming accusatory or generalising. That one I can definitely agree with!! Not everyone will respond in kind, though. I guess this isn’t entirely on…More