3 Years – anniversary thoughts

I’m Susanne, a compulsive overeater. I’m abstinent today as I weigh my meals off the CGS after I have written them down and committed them to my sponsor, and then I eat those meals and nothing else – no matter what. I make that my #1 priority today. I celebrated 3 years’ abstinence on Thursday.…More

Writing Group Topic: 12-Step Communications

I’m going to use one of the questions listed in the reading. Most of them don’t apply to me – seriously – because I have no “home life” as such. In my friendships I do practice being loving, but that’s easy I suppose if you know you can go home or leave anytime. So I’ll…More

A new pair of glasses

As an aside, I was just saying to a sponsee this morning that my life these days is so far removed from the misery of the food, I live a life so free – mentally and physically – that staying close to the community and service are absolutely VITAL things for me to do because…More

Sponsors and Cambridge GS

There’s something I want to address without cross-talking because I feel it is IMPORTANT (in capital letters!!) and I’m very concerned.  Greysheet abstinence is defined as 3 weighed and measured meals per day with nothing in between but black coffee, tea or diet soda – without exceptions – committed to a sponsor.  Anything else is…More

Sponsorship Lessons

One of my sponsees told me this morning she wanted to quit Greysheet. All the planning, the phone calling, the repetitive food (she ate the exact same thing every day), was too much for her and she felt able and ready to go it without Greysheet.  I wish her all the best and I very…More

Recognizing & Trusting help

This week’s reading… the line that stood out to me was about how we used to trust our substance.  Truly, that was the only thing that would remain constant for me – and not just because other people would let me down, but also, or more so, because I would let MYSELF down all the…More

Growth through pain

My last email to the group came from such a desperate heart. I just expressed the raw emotion that I hadn’t even processed yet… just the numbness. The act of writing it and reaching out, however, was in itself so healing already – this group is my lifeline in so many ways, calling for help…More

If you work it

I like the way we end the Serenity Prayer after meetings: “… it works if you work it and don’t eat no matter what!” I think this really sums up why and how this program works. The program is not magic. I can’t be abstinent because my sponsor wants me to be, she can’t make…More

This awesome gift

I just want to connect with you. It’s so much easier to read the shares on Greynet and I really feel connected to those of you who share regularly, but if I don’t do it myself, then others can’t benefit from my experience, strength and hope the way I benefit from theirs. I know I…More

Abstinence is beautiful

Sadly this morning, my sponsee hasn’t called. I’m worried. But I can make nobody be abstinent – all I can do is be there with my experience, strength, and hope. God has to do the rest. I am grateful that God has done for me what I couldn’t do for myself. I am abstinent and…More