Day 11: Fatigue

I think I’m giving my sponsor much too easy a job. I’m still doing fine. And this week, for some reason, I’m really wearing my “bedroom slippers” when it comes to exercise. I was just getting into a routine, going to the gym before work, but this week it’s just not happening. I don’t know…More

Day 10: Growing Up

A milestone! A milestone! OK, maybe that’s ridiculous with people who have the same number in YEARS. Anyway… I’m getting the hang of this. 🙂 I’ll probably have to upgrade my cell phone plan: not enough minutes to keep up with the phone meetings! I love going there, I love listening to the voices of…More

Day 7: God’s Provision

It’s Easter Sunday, and I’m amazed at my HP’s provision when I needed it: mostly the fact that I was able to go online on Friday, Saturday, AND today! I don’t have Internet at home, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to get online until I get back to work on Tuesday. But each…More

Day 6: Got Through

I’m feeling very triumphant today, being able to say it’s day SIX!! Yesterday’s situation passed, like they all eventually do. I feel very happy today and thank you to those who emailed me with encouragement and called. The Greysheet, Greynet and Phone meetings are the best things that ever happened to my life, because without…More

Day 4: Muscle

Wow, to be four days in and still going strong? I’m amazed with myself. Yesterday I heard a tidbit of wisdom that’s so OBVIOUS, and yet I’d never made the connection before… it’s like switching on that proverbial light bulb over my head, and I went “duh!” – my sponsor told me she sees times…More

Day 3: Can do it this time

On day 3 today, thank God, I am abstinent and weighing everything that I committed to my sponsor last night. Because I now have a sponsor! I’m so glad about this gift, of having a sponsor, and not only that, but someone whose personality and way of doing things seems to work perfectly for me.…More

Day 2: Mindsets

I was debating with myself whether to write today, or not. I feel like I should have some abstinence under my belt to join the ranks of abstinent greysheeters… on the other hand, I won’t *get* these days under my belt unless I reach out. So, this being day 2, here I am. There’s one…More

Moving into abstinence

Finally going for freedom from this madness. I have known about Greysheet for about a year, yet it wasn’t until this week that I finally got to the point of surrender – Greysheet demands nothing less than that. In the spring of last year (2004), I had just found Greysheet meetings in NYC and was…More