A spirituality that works

What really stood out to me was how a group of drunks, the least in this world, would together discover something that is – in my humble opinion – nothing short of God-inspired.  Then again, looking at the prophets of old, they weren’t usually the most kosher of characters either.  A spirituality that works, taking…More

Unedited, me

Having finished my 4th Step (for now; I believe in the onion model, i.e. you can always peel another layer), I have an unedited version of myself in black and white, in writing.  This is frightening and comforting at the same time.  When things are not named, they are grey shadowy entities about myself that…More

Spirituality of Imperfection – 1

I have enjoyed this first chapter, but the one thing that stood out to me as well was Rabbi Zuzya’s quote about being ME.  I struggle with that. It’s funny, everyone I know would tell you that I’m so self-assured, I don’t care what people think, I am just unabashedly myself.  Funny, because I wouldn’t…More

Sponsorship Lessons

One of my sponsees told me this morning she wanted to quit Greysheet. All the planning, the phone calling, the repetitive food (she ate the exact same thing every day), was too much for her and she felt able and ready to go it without Greysheet.  I wish her all the best and I very…More